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Voice/Wake-word detection library for React Native
- react-native wake word
- voice commands
- wake word
- wakeword
- wake words
- keyword detection
- keyword spotting
- Wake word detection github
- Phrase Recognition
- Phrase Spotting
- Voice triggered
- hot word
- trigger word
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Porcupine wake word engine for web browsers (via WebAssembly)
A web package for keyword detection
- wake word detection web
- web wake word detection
- wake word detection js
- js wake word detection
- web voice activation detection
- Wake words
- Voice to Intent
- keyword detection npm
- Wake word detection github
- reactjs wake word
- Wake word generator
- Custom wake word
- voice commands
- wake word
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React component for Porcupine Web SDK
wake up on lan
Wake on LAN
Picovoice SDK for web browsers (via WebAssembly)
play around with your playstation devices
Bumblebee Hotword for NodeJS
play around with your playstation devices
Wake your PS4 over LAN (and more!) with help from the Playstation App
keep your computer awake
Turn the Screen Display On
React library to prevent computer from entering sleep mode
Free GUI for waking up hosts using Wake-on-LAN (WoL)
play around with your playstation devices
Keep Heroku dynos awake forever
Calculate sleep cycles to wake up more refreshed.
WoL command line tool
Sleep and wake the display