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107 packages found
Simple implementation of Google Tag Manager for Vue
- analytics
- universal analytics
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- vue analytics
- vue tag manager
- vue google tag manager
- vue js google tag manager
- vuejs google tag manager
- vue js analytics
- vue gtm
- vuejs gtm
- vue js gtm
- vuejs
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Nuxt Analytics Data Module
Nuxt Page View Counts sourced from Google Analytics
Nuxt Analytic Reports Module
Piwik PRO tracking library for VueJS
Cloudflare Web Analytics Modules for NuxtJS
Simple implementation of Google Tag Manager for Vue - fixed version
- analytics
- universal analytics
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- vue analytics
- vue tag manager
- vue google tag manager
- vue js google tag manager
- vuejs google tag manager
- vue js analytics
- vue gtm
- vuejs gtm
- vue js gtm
- vuejs
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google-analytics plugin for vuepress
Berryjam helps you analyze and optimize your Vue.js component code with ease. Save time communicating and effort in development to create better, more efficient code.
- node
- typescript
- vue
- analyzer
- component
- vue component
- vue components
- web component
- component analytics
- component scanner
- vue component scanner
- frontend
- frontend tools
LogSnag client for Vue 3 applications
A fork of vue-gtm version 2.3.4 with the possibility of using a custom base URL.
- analytics
- universal analytics
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- vue analytics
- vue tag manager
- vue google tag manager
- vue js google tag manager
- vuejs google tag manager
- vue js analytics
- vue gtm
- vuejs gtm
- vue js gtm
- vuejs
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A high-performance charting library.
- Arction
- chart
- data
- lightning
- visualization
- xy
- WebGL
- graph
- ohlc
- candlestick
- performance
- spider
- pie
- funnel
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A plugin designed for Vue 3 which enables the use of Umami Analytics
A high-performance charting library.
- Arction
- chart
- data
- lightning
- visualization
- xy
- WebGL
- graph
- ohlc
- candlestick
- performance
- spider
- pie
- funnel
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A component that integrates DevExpress Web Dashboard in a Vue application
Fully interactive and customizable dashboards for your apps.
Counter Analytics integration for Vue v3
Automatic Google Analytics reporting for your single page application, used with Redux in React, Angular, Vue
- analytics
- React
- redux
- middleware
- ReactJS
- GA
- javascript
- Google Analytics
- Angular
- Vue
- mobx
- single
- page
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> - This is the repository for Vue 3 and Vue 2 > - For React see [@utrigg-analytics/react](