Search results
18 packages found
Turn a dirty version (such as v1, =1.0.x, >1.0 <2) into a clean version (1.0)
A parser for hl7 version 2 messages. Creates json from v2 messages, and creates v2 messages from json.
A npm package that converts version string to numbers
A parser for hl7 version 2 messages. Creates json from v2 messages, and creates v2 messages from json.
Automatic Expo versioning with Standard Version
A parser for hl7 version 2 messages. Creates json from v2 messages, and creates v2 messages from json. Validation Removed. NUL and CON segs removed for win.
Bump npm versions with Gulp (
A parser for hl7 version 2 messages. Creates json from v2 messages, and creates v2 messages from json.
A TypeScript SDK for the Twitter API
A parser for hl7 version 2 messages. Creates json from v2 messages, and creates v2 messages from json.
Semver but for Dota 2 patch versions
A parser for hl7 version 2 messages. Creates json from v2 messages, and creates v2 messages from json.
Returns all commit messages between 2 versions of an NPM module
Converts the NPM package lock to the version 1, 2 or 3.
```shell 1. npm install resmd5 -g; ``` ```javascript 2.在项目目录下新建配置文件resmd5.config.json 例如 { "outResFolder": "resversion1", "inResFolder": "resversion", "includeFolder": [], "renameType": "v_num_", "versionNum": 0, "reset": false, "exclu
Configurable Version Management
Gulp plugin which accepts a file, adds a hash, and adds it to a manifest
simple angular 2 module for getting the current version of your app