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156 packages found
A express package to list all registered endpoints and its verbs
A express package to list all registered endpoints and its verbs
The english alphabet as a string or array, upper and lowercase.
Japanese verb/adjective conjugator/deconjugator library based on Taeko Kamiya's *The Handbook of Japanese Verbs* and *The Handbook of Japanese Adjectives and Adverbs*
List all your express routes.
An eslint plugin to enforce method or function name stick to the conventions.
A powerful Japanese verb conjugator library which can provide conjugations for a wide range of verb forms and form combinations.
Parse JavaScript code comments and generate API documentation.
Basic template helpers for printing messages out to the console. Useful for debugging context in templates. Should work with any template engine.
- assemble
- dash
- debug
- docs
- documentation
- engine
- generate
- generator
- handlebars
- helper
- helpers
- inspect
- lo
- lo-dash
- View more
English lemmatizer
Replace extraneous newlines with a single newline, or pass a specified number of newlines to use.
express.js inspired template-engine manager.
- assemble
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- docs
- documentation
- engine
- engines
- express
- front
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- simply
- horn
- component
- built
- components
- design
- into
- framework
- frontend
- cannot
- react
- verb
- react-component
- ui
- View more
- important
- simple
- component
- dead
- components
- design
- shadow
- framework
- frontend
- verb
- react
- dawn
- react-component
- ui
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Utils for Template middleware.
- assemble
- assembleutils
- async
- generate
- middleware
- route
- routes
- template
- templateutils
- update
- utils
- verb
- verbutils
Middleware for renaming views based on front-matter properties.
Example projects using Template, Assemble, Verb and other node.js applications.
Async template helper for generating a list of markdown reference links.
- compile
- docs
- documentation
- format
- generate
- generator
- helper
- helpers
- link
- links
- markdown
- md
- ref
- reference
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Template helper for adding a basic, one-line copyright statement, with formatting appropriate for LICENSE/LICENSE-MIT or README templates. Used with Verb, but should work with any Handlebars, Lo-Dash, underscore, or any template engine that allows helper
Template helper for adding formatted dates using node-dateformat. Works with Handlebars, Lo-Dash, underscore, or any template engine that supports helper functions. Also compatible with verb, assemble and Template.