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34 packages found
A client library for the USGS NED Point Query Service.
A generator for Yeoman used by the USGS EHP HazDev team.
Provides templates and style sheets which implement the USGS visual standards for headers and footers
Web application for computing geomagnetic baseline values
Web library for getting location information from a user.
A javascript package for displaying recent earthquake information on a webpage.
An insertable question container to support forms.
An accordion toggle web application for collapsing and expanding information.
NodeJS API for earthquake catalog
This is a library that parses and returns USGS earthquake reports.
Web application for calculating risk targeted ground motions and risk coefficients from hazard curves.
node.js app to asynchronously stream USGS water data
General utilities for working with Leaflet.
Utilities commonly used in web applications developed by the EHP HazDev team.
A USGS Science Base API Client