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UPYUN js sdk
为 zhin 提供又拍云存储服务 ## 使用方法 1. 安装插件 ```shell yarn add @zhinjs/plugin-upyun ``` 2. 配置 在`.[mode].env` 文件中配置环境变量 ```text UPDOMAIN = 又拍云绑定域名,不填时自动使用测试域名 UPBUCKET = 又拍云存储桶名 UPOPERATOR = 又拍云操作员名 UPPASSWORD = 又拍云操作员密码 ``` 3. 启用 在`.[mode].env` 文件中启用又拍云插件 ```text mod
Upload your files to cdn.
upyun sdk for node.js
对前端静态资源 Compress, Revisioning 以及 Uploading
Deploy Angular apps to aliyun OSS, qiniu, upyun using the Angular CLI.
gulp plugins for upyun service
A simple skipper adapter for upyun
使 NodeBB 通过 UPYUN 上传图片,附件。
upyun cdn upload
Yet another upyun SDK for node.js which are eazy to use.
Make Use of UPYUN API Much Easier.
upyun node-sdk 封装
An upyun sdk for node.js, which is for co-like interface. Can be used with koa or co.
又拍云 JS SDK
Tool for refreshing the CDN cache.
a pure front-end upyun form upload service, supports both native js and angular.js