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React DataTable component based on Rtdui components

published version 4.10.4, 22 days ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

The lightweight, dependency-free, dark-theme aware table component for your Mantine UI data-rich applications, featuring asynchronous data loading support, pagination, intuitive Gmail-style additive batch rows selection, column sorting, custom cell data r

published version 7.14.5, 10 days ago10 dependents licensed under $MIT

Swiss Post styles for PrimeNg datatable.

published version 8.6.1, 4 days ago0 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

![Linting]( ![Chromatic]( # React Table DataTable

published version 0.0.46, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Craft your applications for productivity and meet your users’ expectations by enhancing your Mantine-based UIs with a desktop-grade, lightweight yet fully-featured, dark-theme aware context-menu component, built by the creator of Mantine DataTable

published version 7.14.2, 10 days ago2 dependents licensed under $MIT

A high quality DataTable component Library with Vue.js

published version 1.5.2, 4 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

一个对 Naive-UI 组件库的扩展,使 DataTable/Dropdown/Menu/Select/Tree 等组件支持插槽模板式的写法。An extension to Naive-UI component library, that enables slots and template style API for DataTable/Dropdown/Menu/Select/Tree.

published version 0.18.0, 2 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Data-table Component

published version 13.0.2, 25 days ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly prompts

published version 2.4.2, 3 years ago8551 dependents licensed under $MIT

A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.

published version 12.1.0, 25 days ago89946 dependents licensed under $MIT

Simple and complete DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.

published version 10.4.0, 4 months ago411 dependents licensed under $MIT

Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompt system. Fast and lightweight enough for small projects, powerful and extensible enough for the most advanced use cases.

published version 2.4.1, a year ago3472 dependents licensed under $MIT

Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.

published version 16.1.0, a day ago21419 dependents licensed under $MIT

Inquirer confirm prompt

published version 5.0.2, 25 days ago161 dependents licensed under $MIT

Inquirer core TS types

published version 3.0.1, 25 days ago41 dependents licensed under $MIT

Core Inquirer prompt API

published version 10.1.0, 25 days ago91 dependents licensed under $MIT

Vendored version of figures, for CJS compatibility

published version 1.0.8, 25 days ago33 dependents licensed under $MIT

Inquirer checkbox prompt

published version 4.0.2, 25 days ago75 dependents licensed under $MIT

Inquirer password prompt

published version 4.0.2, 25 days ago42 dependents licensed under $MIT

Inquirer select/list prompt

published version 4.0.2, 25 days ago274 dependents licensed under $MIT