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A simple library for implementing type guard in TypeScript.
Generic type guards for TypeScript
Typescript package boilerplate template
Collection of validation functions for JavaScript data
TypeScript predicates and assertions library
TypeScript utilities
Type-guards, casts and converts unknowns into typed values
TypeScript predicates library
Simple typechecker for custom type guards
Generic type guard to check if a given value is a member of enum
- funtal
- type-safe
- playerony
- isSomeEnum
- typescript
- type-guard
- functional
- Typescript
- is-some-enum
- isSomeEnumOf
- isSomeEnumOfType
- isSomeEnumOfTypeSafe
- is-some-enum-type-guard
- type-guard-for-string-enum
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Just function to predicate non nullable with type guard.
- check
- is
- non-nullable
- nonnullable
- null
- undefined
- nullable
- present
- blank
- typescript
- type-guard
- filter
- type
- narrowing
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TypeScript type guard utilities providing runtime type checking and validation with zero dependencies
A simple TypeScript library providing type guards for the primitive types in JavaScript.
- type
- types
- type-check
- type-checks
- type-checking
- predicate
- predicates
- type-predicate
- type-predicates
- type-assert
- type-asserting
- type-assertion
- type-assertions
- type-guard
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A modern TypeScript library designed to reduce boilerplate for tagged unions, also known as discriminated unions. This library is also an implementation of algebraic data types
- discriminated-union
- tagged-union
- Algebraic-Data-Types
- coproduct
- pattern-matching
- exhaustive
- type-predicate
- narrowing
- type-guard
- functional-programming
- functional
Nullish helper functions and types for TypeScript.
- null
- undefined
- nully
- nullable
- non-nullable
- predicate
- type
- types
- type-guard
- type-predicate
- type-helper
- typescript
- typescript-types
- fp
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Predicate helper functions and types for TypeScript.
- predicate
- type
- types
- type-guard
- type-predicate
- type-helper
- typescript
- typescript-types
- fp
- functional programming
- function
- functional
Falsy helper functions and types for TypeScript.
- falsy
- falsey
- false
- non-falsy
- non-falsey
- predicate
- type
- types
- type-guard
- type-predicate
- type-helper
- typescript
- typescript-types
- fp
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Typescript package boilerplate template
TypeScript predicates library
Typescript library for typesafe creation of validation functions and type guards.