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113 packages found
n2words converts a numerical number into a written one, supports 27 languages and has zero dependencies.
- n2words
- convert
- number
- word
- text
- natural
- language
- english
- french
- spanish
- german
- portuguese
- italian
- turkish
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Scrabble Solver 2 - Free, open-source, cross-platform, and multi-language analysis tool for Scrabble, Super Scrabble & Literaki. Quickly find top scoring words using given board & tiles.
- Scrabble
- Super Scrabble
- Kelimelik
- Literaki
- Solver
- Finder
- Cheating
- Word
- English
- Français
- French
- Deutsch
- German
- Polski
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Convert numbers to words, in multiple languages
- rosaenlg
- n2words
- convert
- number
- word
- text
- natural
- language
- english
- french
- spanish
- german
- portuguese
- italian
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Kullanımı Ücretsiz Gelişmiş Bir Api Servisi
Visual readable database module.
Local and Cloud data storage module. (JSON, BSON, YAML, Mongodb)
- ervel.db
- database
- ervel
- ervel db
- db
- json
- mongoose
- bson
- yaml
- json database
- mongoose database
- bson database
- yaml database
- json db
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Latini klavye ile Osmani metin yazmak için hazırlanmış bir alettir.
An advanced JSON database for Node.js and Discord.
Turkish wordlist generated from Wiktionary (VikiSözlük)
A tool to parse the etymology of Turkish words using Nisanyan's API
Türçe kullanışlı içerikler bulunan küçük bir modül.
Turkey province, district and neighborhood data
- turkey
- location
- province
- district
- neighborhood
- turkiye
- cities
- turkish
- provices
- turkey-location-data
- turkey-cities
Popile's language utilities
Kullanımı Ücretsiz Gelişmiş Bir Api Servisi
İtemsatış'ın resmii web sitesi için kazıma yapabilen modül.
kirito.db melhor database modular.
Material password strength meter to indicate how secure is the provided password
Kimlik bilgilerini, T.C. Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğünden doğrular.
tdk sitesinde bulunan rastgele atasozu, deyim, yanlis yazilan kelimeler vb icerikleri ceker.