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Create and mutate TODS compliant tournament objects
- bracket
- tournament
- advanced scheduling
- tournament algorithm
- tournament simulation
- tournament draw generator
- tournament manager
- game set match
- json to csv conversion
- round robin
- tournaments
- competition
- tennis score
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The types needed by brackets-manager.js and brackets-viewer.js
Duel elimination tournament
Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
A simple library to manage tournament brackets (round-robin, single elimination, double elimination)
An in-memory database for brackets-manager.js
Functions to generate pairings for tournaments
Under development. Do not trust this organzier 100% (yet). Feel free to contribute. There are test files that can be run with `npm run test`.
A simple library to display tournament brackets (round-robin, single elimination, double elimination)
A round-robin scheduler used in different tournaments
Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
Seeding algorithm implementation for single-elimination tournaments
React tournament bracket renderer
JavaScript library for running tournaments
An in-memory database for brackets-manager.js
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 `<script setup>` SFCs, check out the [script setup docs]( to learn more.
converts legacy tmx tournament records to TODS
Node.JS wrapper for the public API Edit
Group stage tournament
React component to visualize TODS `matchUps`