Search results
70 packages found
🚀 Axway Amplify tool to use Turbo for turbo charging your Appcelerator Titanium SDK Framework!
⭐ Axway Amplify module adding querystring support to Appcelerator Titanium SDK
⭐ Axway Amplify command line tool (CLI) for Appcelerator Titanium SDK
- appcelerator
- titanium
- mobile
- ios
- iphone
- android
- blackberry
- html5
- mobileweb
- mobile web
- appc-client
- sdk
- plugin
- amplify
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⭐ Axway Amplify module for copying dependencies to Appcelerator Titanium Resources SDK
⭐ Axway Amplify module for using Promises with Appcelerator Titanium using bluebird.js
- promise
- performance
- promises
- promises-a
- promises-aplus
- async
- await
- deferred
- deferreds
- future
- flow control
- dsl
- fluent interface
- mobile
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⭐ Axway Amplify module for REST API calls using Appcelerator Titanium SDK
⭐ Axway Amplify module to modify app config - tiapp.xml for Appcelerator Titanium SDK
⭐ Axway Amplify module to add JWT parser for Appcelerator Titanium SDK
⭐ Axway Amplify module to implement EventSource for Appcelerator Titanium SDK
- titanium
- modules
- node
- alloy
- mobile
- appcelerator
- axway
- amplify
- eventsource
- sse
- server-sent-event
- streams
- sdk
- plugin
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⭐ Axway Amplify Essential Toolkit for Appcelerator Titanium SDK
a cross-platform spawn replacement with promises
- axway
- appcelerator
- titanium
- mobile
- turbo
- sdk
- plugin
- api-builder
- appcelerator-titanium
- titanium-sdk
- titanium-mobile
- titanium-module
- titanium-alloy
- axway-sdk
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⭐ Axway Amplify module for using JSON5 with Appcelerator Titanium SDK
⭐ Axway Amplify utility to find root directory of Appcelerator Titanium SDK project
- axway
- appcelerator
- titanium
- mobile
- turbo
- sdk
- plugin
- amplify
- api-builder
- appcelerator-titanium
- titanium-sdk
- titanium-mobile
- titanium-module
- titanium-alloy
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⭐ Axway Amplify module for OAuth authentication with Appcelerator Titanium SDK
- oauth
- auth
- authentication
- titanium
- mobile
- axway
- turbo
- ios
- android
- native
- appcelerator
- plugin
- amplify
- api-builder
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⭐ Axway Amplify event emitter implementation for Appcelerator Titanium SDK
- event
- events
- emitter
- eventemitter
- addEventListener
- addListener
- pub/sub
- emit
- emits
- on
- once
- publish
- subscribe
- titanium
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⭐ Axway Amplify modules to use Fingerprint authentication, Keychain Access and Face authentication (iOS) with Appcelerator Titanium SDK
⭐ Axway Amplify module for using JSONC with Appcelerator Titanium SDK Framework
- titanium
- mobile
- alloy
- turbo
- axway
- appcelerator
- ios
- android
- iphone
- ipad
- jsonc
- titanium-package
- sdk
- plugin
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⭐ Axway Amplify authentication module for Appcelerator Titanium SDK
- oauth
- oauth2
- auth
- authentication
- titanium
- mobile
- amplify
- axway
- turbo
- ios
- android
- native
- appcelerator
- axwaydev
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⭐ Axway Amplify module for mocking OAuth Authentication with Appcelerator Titanium SDK Framework
⭐ Axway Amplify module for using nativeloop mobile with Appcelerator Titanium SDK Framework
- nativeloop
- axway
- appcelerator
- titanium
- mobile
- turbo
- sdk
- plugin
- amplify
- api-builder
- appcelerator-titanium
- titanium-sdk
- titanium-mobile
- titanium-module
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