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A library for interacting with API using Promises
Library for interacting with API
Free API keys OMDb and TMDb without registration.
Grab the GUID of a Plex entry on demand
Kandaraku API Anime Information Streaming Chatbot Brazilian
- anime
- br
- pt-br
- brazilian
- only-portuguese
- portuguese
- no-english
- anime-api
- api-anime
- anime-info
- info-anime
- episodeinfo
- info-episode
- episode-info
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PlexAniSync Mapping Assistant
Source from The Movie Database (TMDb) in Gatsby. Supports all endpoints, optionally downloads images and extends results with more information.
Getting metadata information about films and TV shows (title, actors, genres, etc.) from IMDb, TMDb, Kinopoisk, Douban
A Javascript library to interact with the RESTful API of
A library for interacting with API using Promises API wrapper for node.js
Library for interacting with API
A simple node module to make calls to TheMovieDB API
Library for interacting with API
an the movie db api wrapper using promisses
A TypeScript Library to interact with the API of TheMovieDB
A simple wrapper for TMDB APIs
Themoviedb api client.
A Simple way to interact with the tmdb api
A simple wrapper for TMDB APIs