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Testcontainers is a NodeJS library that supports tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container
PostgreSQL module for Testcontainers
LocalStack module for Testcontainers
Redis module for Testcontainers
MySQL module for Testcontainers
MongoDB module for Testcontainers
Kafka module for Testcontainers
RabbitMQ module for Testcontainers
Elasticsearch module for Testcontainers
GCloud module for Testcontainers
Jest preset for starting docker containers that stay up whilist your tests run.
MSSQL Server module for Testcontainers
HiveMQ module for Testcontainers
NATS module for Testcontainers
Redpanda module for Testcontainers
Azurite module for Testcontainers
ArangoDB module for Testcontainers
Neo4J module for Testcontainers
A Testcontainers implementation for Keycloak
MariaDB module for Testcontainers