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47 packages found
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A Karma plugin. Launcher for Safari Technology Preview.
Node.JS client for the Moneyhub API
B&G UI components
Author technology like a top leader
- author
- technology
- creator
- config
- opensource
- plugin
- package
- framework
- tool
- software
- pack
- version
- bump
- bundle
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This unofficial Tech News Scraper By Mr , By using this scraper you can get latest technology news, you can use it for your bot
Zeno is a theme suited for the needs of SaaS and technology companies. Styles are powered by Tailwind, a low-level CSS framework.
Web client for Eko SDK
devicon-react-svg is an implementation of the Devicons icon library, which contains the logos of various popular programming languages, frameworks and design and development tools. devicon-react-svg returns a functional React component that, when passed t
## Installation
- minecraft
- api
- minetools
- mcheads
- mc-heads
- mcapi
- minecraft-api
- mojang
- skin
- minecraft skin
- head
- minecraft head
- typing
- typescript
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A powerful system for analyzing and generating technology-specific agents
Identify technology on websites
Gemstone JavaScript Technology Stack (Stub Package)
Smart Contract library for Solidity
- solidity
- ethereum
- smart
- contracts
- security
- exempt offerring
- 506C
- regulation D
- agriculture
- aviation
- education
- energy
- finance-banking
- finance-credit
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## Dependencies
icons sourced from around, used by synotech
Aa powerful tool for creating AI-based UI and UX for React components. With NormanAI, you can enhance your application's user experience by incorporating machine learning and natural language processing.
- ai
- machine learning
- natural language processing
- react
- components
- user interface
- user experience
- seo
- meta tags
- search engine optimization
- web development
- javascript
- library
- tool
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Bundle of website development and technology icons
- programming
- development
- webdesign
- technology
- icons
- icon pack
- astro
- astro-component
- astro component
- astro icon
- astro icons
- collection
- component
- components
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powerful yet simple tool to detect all technologies and application used in a website
Bundle of website development and technology icons