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32 packages found
TEA - A blockchain-based OSS protocol for testing and experimentation. This package provides a set of tools and libraries for building and deploying decentralized applications on the TEA network. With TEA, you can easily create and manage your own blockch
- blockchain
- crypto
- helpful
- testing
- protocol
- opensourcesoftware
- module
- teaching
- experimentation
- decentralized
- applications
- distributed
- network
A blockchain-based OSS protocol for testing and experimentation. This package provides a set of tools and libraries for building and deploying decentralized applications on the TEA network.
- food
- drink
- fresh
- blockchain
- crypto
- helpful
- testing
- protocol
- opensourcesoftware
- module
- teaching
- experimentation
- decentralized
- applications
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A minimal testing framework, for educational purposes.
Tool used to create a simple CLI around ChatGPT, in order to help any kind of teaching activity
Whiteboard - a slide-based activity presentation system
- slideshow
- tutorial
- editor
- document
- ide
- webinar
- code
- demonstration
- presentation
- teaching
- learning
- education
- electron
- desktop
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A web app for learning web accessibility
A presentation tool for code examples.
Given a source document, generate quiz/flash cards.
JavaScript graphics library used in CodeHS's platform.
lesson plan for full stack web development
A JavaScript Engine that can generate random functions
Core module for Lambdulus Project.
Whiteboard - a slide-based activity presentation system
- slideshow
- tutorial
- editor
- document
- ide
- webinar
- code
- demonstration
- presentation
- teaching
- learning
- education
- electron
- desktop
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One Platform to Rule Them All
Quizzer is a webserver for collaborative writing lab support. Based on a _fail early, fail often? approach to written language, the tool is particularly suited to second-language learners. The workflow (essay - error - quiz - exam) treats mistakes as an o
React tools to show live simulation and analysis of Python code
Writing tasks require countless composing decisions that are typically beyond the conscious grasp of student writers. Much of the skill of being “text-aware” is to understand that texts are composed of highly structured and often highly predictive composi
React component for ReadableJS
Utilities for running code in the CodeHS editor.
Helpers used to run graphics problems in the CodeHS editor.