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Webpack loader for generating external svg symbol sprite files
- svg
- webpack
- webpack-loader
- svg-icons
- svg-sprites
- svg-sprite
- svg-loader
- svg-spritesheet
- webpack-svg-plugin
- svg-sprie-loader
- svg-loaders
- svg-sprite-symbols
- webpack-svg
- svg-sprite-icons
Turn SVG files into Vuejs Icon Components
Imports SVGs as source code, base64 and data URI. Preserves stroke width, replaces colors with currentColor. Optimizes SVGs with SVGO. Creates SVG sprites.
- vite
- svg
- loader
- vite-svg
- vite-loader
- vite-plugin
- vue
- react
- vanilla
- sprite
- sprite-sheet
- svg-sprite
- sprites
- svg-sprites
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Generate custom SVG sprites for a selected number of Font Awesome 5 icons
Another svg sprites plugin for Vite
An npm package for use with `<svg><use xlink:href=""></use></svg>`
Project template generator
- autoprefixer
- babel
- browsersync
- eslint
- javascript
- jquery
- gulp
- png-sprites
- pug
- pug-lint
- scss
- stylelint
- svg-sprites
- template
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Rsbuild Plugin for fast creating SVG sprites & hmr supported.(like vite-plugin-svg-icons)
A CLI tool for you to generate SVG sprites ASAP with support for multi-theme and multi-breakpoint configurations
- css
- svg
- icons
- sprites
- svg-icon
- svg-icons
- css-sprites
- svg-sprites
- css-generator
- icon-generator
- responsive-icons
- sprite-generator
- automation
- svg-to-css
Load SVGs into webpack and split them into sprites at will
- svg
- webpack
- webpack-loader
- svg-icons
- svg-sprites
- svg-sprite
- svg-loader
- svg-spritesheet
- webpack-svg-plugin
- svg-sprie-loader
- svg-loaders
- svg-sprite-symbols
- webpack-svg
- svg-sprite-icons
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Easy to use vue wrapper around feather icons, inheriting color and size from css cascade.
Load SVGs into webpack and split them into sprites at will
- svg
- webpack
- webpack-loader
- svg-icons
- svg-sprites
- svg-sprite
- svg-loader
- svg-spritesheet
- webpack-svg-plugin
- svg-sprie-loader
- svg-loaders
- svg-sprite-symbols
- webpack-svg
- svg-sprite-icons
The logos icon font for web apps everywhere.
Project template generator
- autoprefixer
- babel
- browsersync
- eslint
- javascript
- jquery
- gulp
- png-sprites
- pug
- pug-lint
- scss
- stylelint
- svg-sprites
- template
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Project template generator
- autoprefixer
- babel
- browsersync
- eslint
- javascript
- jquery
- gulp
- png-sprites
- pug
- pug-lint
- scss
- stylelint
- svg-sprites
- template
Project template generator
- autoprefixer
- babel
- browsersync
- eslint
- javascript
- gulp
- png-sprites
- nunjucks
- htmlhint
- scss
- stylelint
- svg-sprites
- template
- yeoman-generator
The Font Awesome icon font for web apps everywhere.
An easy-to-use svg-sprites wrapper for vue