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Generate SVG sprites according to entrypoint dependencies. Each page only imports its own svgs, wrapped as a sprite and optimized by svgo
Creating one sprite file on the fly
generate a vue/react component through svg files, supporting svg file HMR and typescript intelligence prompt.
Generates a SVG spritemap from multiple .svg files
- vite-plugin
- vite
- plugin
- svg
- spritemap
- svg-spritemap
- symbol
- symbols
- svg-symbol
- svg-sprite
- sprite
- sprites
- icon
- icons
Webpack loader for generating external svg symbol sprite files
- svg
- webpack
- webpack-loader
- svg-icons
- svg-sprites
- svg-sprite
- svg-loader
- svg-spritesheet
- webpack-svg-plugin
- svg-sprie-loader
- svg-loaders
- svg-sprite-symbols
- webpack-svg
- svg-sprite-icons
Create external svg sprite
Build a svg sprite from individual svgs and inject it in your root html with vite
Imports SVGs as source code, base64 and data URI. Preserves stroke width, replaces colors with currentColor. Optimizes SVGs with SVGO. Creates SVG sprites.
- vite
- svg
- loader
- vite-svg
- vite-loader
- vite-plugin
- vue
- react
- vanilla
- sprite
- sprite-sheet
- svg-sprite
- sprites
- svg-sprites
- View more
Rollup plugin for creating SVG sprites.
Kaizen svg sprite functions
Create external svg sprite from your bundle using Rollup
Generate custom SVG sprites for a selected number of Font Awesome 5 icons
Create svg sprite sheet from SVG files, with ease
Create deterministic external svg sprite from your bundle using Rollup
1180+ beautifully crafted open source icons for your next project.
rollup svg sprite loader
A quick and dirty way to inline svg sprites in your Nuxt app.
svg-sprite for kucoin
Another svg sprites plugin for Vite