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a server for faster watchify development
Delay execution for a given amount of seconds
Force the supplied callback in to async execution
Sleep / pause execution using Promises and flexible time formats
Avoid timers throttling by browser when tab is inactive
Async control-flow for Node.js using ES6 generators.
💾 Linux RAM disk persistent with Systemd timer, service and suspend
Suspend and resume processes on Windows
Temporarily stop accepting connections on a TCP or HTTP(S) server
Manage asynchronous calls more easily in Vue apps.
React component to delay children rendering and show a fallback component while waiting
Suspend execution until it is resumed asynchronously.
yield to callback transformer; flattener of asynchronous code
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin for running background tasks (will also run for up to 3 minutes after the app is suspended).
A tiny ES6 (harmony) library for node 0.11.2+ that helps you use generators with node style callbacks.
Pausing task pipeline
minimal testing framework
callback to event emitter transformer; flattener of asynchronous code
Delay execution for a given amount of seconds, but prettily
Suspend/unsuspend updates propagation from your containers.