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Suman standard reporters
TypeScript type declarations for various SumanJS projects.
Shared event names for SumanJS ecosystem
Plugins for transforming source code to target code.
Plugins for running target code with various executables.
Vamoot creates simple immutable objects
suman-shell - helps run suman tests quickly via the command line.
Dummy repo preventing any confusion in SumanJS ecosystem.
Plugins to be used with suman-watch utilities.
Suman reporter for persisence - an async reporter
Suman scoped alias.
Suman-default - helps run suman tests quickly at the command line
A Karma plugin - adapter for the Suman test harness.
Suman daemon worker process pool and more
Suman reporter CLI / writable pipe
A Suman run plugin for Babel transpilation.
Plugins for the Suman Chrome Extension
Plugins for the Suman Chrome Extension