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42 packages found
Allows you to write CSS in the form of writing js object, Applicable to vue3
Fork of stylis-rtl, uses cssjanus under the hood to flip style orientations for RTL
**stylis-at-queries** is a Stylis plugin designed for use with styled-components, enabling transformation of custom `@` queries such as `@isMobile` and `@isPrint`.
Fork of stylis-rtl, uses cssjanus under the hood to flip style orientations for RTL
stylis plugin to extract individual rules to use with insertRule API
Stupid simple style components for React
Stylis plugin that transforms CSS variable into static values for non-supported browsers.
stylis 前缀选择器添加插件
A fork of @emotion/stylis that makes it even smaller, still
stylis plugin convert em rem px etc;
A Stylis plugin that adds support for the mso- CSS vendor prefix
Tiny css in js library
Stylis plugin which adds extra scope to each produced CSS rule.
@emotion/stylis to browsers which can't use :host() or :slotted()
Stylis RTL plugin based on CSSJanus
tiny styled-components plugin converts LTR to RTL, based on RTLCSS
Stylis plugin to revert any css variables that might be present (mainly in need of supporting ie11)
Converts any rgba hex values to IE11 compliant rgba() functions