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Page Strategies for BBC TAL
Implementation of most popular technical stock indicators for debut environment
- analysis
- bollinger-bands
- finance
- financial-instruments
- indicators
- currency
- trading
- forex
- cryptocurrency
- bitfinex
- binance
- bybit
- macd
- quant
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Stock technical indicators and strategies in TypeScript for browser and server programs.
- analysis
- bollinger-bands
- finance
- financial-instruments
- ichimoku
- indicators
- macd
- quant
- quantative-finance
- quantative-trading
- stock-analysis
- stock-market
- strategies
- technical
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NodeSecure vulnerabilities strategies
Passport for Lad
NodeJS Backtesting Library
A collection of trading indicators and strategies
hapi auth scheme, combines multiple other strategies and passes if any of them does
Simple Authentication for Remix
Simple Session Storage Management for Svelte
Simple Authentication for Remix
Stock technical indicators and strategies in TypeScript for browser and server programs.
- analysis
- bollinger-bands
- finance
- financial-instruments
- ichimoku
- indicators
- macd
- quant
- quantative-finance
- quantative-trading
- stock-analysis
- stock-market
- strategies
- technical
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Strive. Don't give up. Try a bunch of different approaches to get what you're looking for.
Simple Authentication for Svelte
logger workbee service worker middleware
Afdian 爱发电 Strategy for Svelte Auth
cache-control workbee service worker middleware
save-data workbee service worker middleware
Plan.js allows consumers to create values whose logic is broken up into individual and self-contained strategies. How those strategies interact with the end-value depends on the plan-type.
nestjs module allawing communication with different kind of local and cloud storage