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router plugin for @ngxs/store
redux devtools plugin for @ngxs/store
extendable storage plugin for @ngxs/store
logger plugin for @ngxs/store
form plugin for @ngxs/store
Package for recoil to persist and rehydrate store
Store is a lightweight shared state library by the StencilJS core team. Implements a simple key/value map that efficiently re-renders components when necessary.
💧 Indicating hydration status by svelte-store
The reactive data store for local-first apps.
WebSocket plugin for @ngxs/store
Highly configurable state sync library between localStorage/sessionStorage and @ngrx/store (Angular)
Observable Path Trie Store
- observable
- reactive
- rxjs
- trie
- tree
- store
- state
- observable tree
- observable state
- observable store
- reactive tree
- reactive state
- reactive store
A global data store that is library agnostic.
A library to sync external React state updates
HMR plugin for NGXS. See [repo]( for more info.
Store management library based on react context and observers
Just store manager.
🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
Easy way to keep your backbone collections and redux store in sync