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27 packages found
Generate React Query hooks, SWR hooks, Axios requests and Typescript types from OpenAPI files
- codegen
- react-query
- tanstack
- swr
- stale-while-revalidate
- react
- query
- axios
- openapi
- swagger
- open
- api
- code
- generation
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(Fork of next-boost) - Add a cache layer for next.js SSR pages. Use stale-while-revalidate to boost the performance.
A GraphQL code generator plug-in that automatically generates utility functions for SWR.
A clean, minimal implementation of common HTTP caching mechanisms.
Resilient and performant in-memory cache for node.js
Handlebars view engine for Express which transparently integrates remotely stored templates into your rendering flow
Utility to add `stale-while-revalidate` and `stale-if-error` (see [rfc5861]( handling to [Cloudflare workers]( via the [Workers Cache API](
Add a cache layer for next.js SSR pages. Use stale-while-revalidate to boost the performance.
`stale-while-revalidate` caching strategy for vanilla web-apps
Vue composables for Data fetching
A GraphQL code generator plug-in that automatically generates utility functions for SWR.
A GraphQL code generator plug-in that automatically generates utility functions for SWR.
Add a cache layer for next.js SSR pages. Use stale-while-revalidate to boost the performance.
Stale-while-revalidate caching utility library
Memoization with stale-while-revalidate and stale-if-error
Add a cache layer for next.js SSR pages. Use stale-while-revalidate to boost the performance.
Add a cache layer for next.js SSR pages. Use stale-while-revalidate to boost the performance.
Declarative stale-while-revalidate caching & async data management for Ember.js
Add a cache layer for next.js SSR pages. Use stale-while-revalidate to boost the performance.