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A Plug-n-Play library for adding UI interface for adding decentralized authentication to your dapp.
- ethereum
- web3
- wallet
- dapp
- simpleaswater
- web3.0
- portis
- metamask
- dapper
- uport
- trezor
- ledger
- fortmatic
- bitski
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Squarelink's Web3 library
Web3Modal implementation for Angular
- web3
- crypto
- ethereum
- web3modal
- metamask
- walletconnect
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- arkane
- torus
- authereum
- walletlink
- web3modal-ts
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Web3Modal implementation for Angular
- web3
- crypto
- ethereum
- web3modal
- metamask
- walletconnect
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- arkane
- torus
- authereum
- walletlink
- web3modal-ts
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Web3modal's provider layer abstraction for simple implementation of web3 wallet connections
- web3
- crypto
- quam
- web3modal
- recusandae
- accusantium
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- illum
- sapiente
- voluptate
- walletlink
- web3modal-ts
[Clarity UI]( components for [Angular frontend framework]( to interact with [web3 and smart contracts](
- web3
- crypto
- ethereum
- web3modal
- metamask
- walletconnect
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- arkane
- torus
- authereum
- clarity
- angular
Web3Modal implementation for Angular
- web3
- crypto
- ethereum
- web3modal
- metamask
- walletconnect
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- arkane
- torus
- authereum
- walletlink
- web3modal-ts
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Web3modal's provider layer abstraction for simple implementation of web3 wallet connections
- web3
- crypto
- ethereum
- web3modal
- metamask
- walletconnect
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- arkane
- torus
- authereum
- walletlink
- web3modal-ts
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- react
- react-hooks
- hooks
- ethereum
- javascript
- typescript
- web3
- context
- frontend
- dapp
- metamask
- walletconnect
- walletlink
- frame
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A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- react
- react-hooks
- hooks
- quia
- sed
- typescript
- web3
- optio
- distinctio
- debitis
- metamask
- perspiciatis
- walletlink
- frame
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A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- et
- react-hooks
- saepe
- ethereum
- repellat
- web3
- context
- frontend
- dapp
- metamask
- walletconnect
- walletlink
- frame
- dolores
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Web3modal's provider layer abstraction for simple implementation of web3 wallet connections
- ullam
- crypto
- quia
- web3modal
- eum
- walletconnect
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- arkane
- totam
- authereum
- walletlink
- tempora
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
A single Web3 / Ethereum provider solution for all Wallets
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- react
- react-hooks
- hooks
- voluptates
- javascript
- placeat
- impedit
- context
- frontend
- dapp
- metamask
- error
- voluptas
- in
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Package for connecting with Ethereum wallets for dApp
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- react
- react-hooks
- hooks
- ethereum
- javascript
- typescript
- web3
- context
- frontend
- dapp
- metamask
- walletconnect
- walletlink
- frame
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A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- aperiam
- react-hooks
- hooks
- ducimus
- javascript
- exercitationem
- web3
- context
- saepe
- dapp
- alias
- vel
- walletlink
- dolores
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Web3modal's provider layer abstraction for simple implementation of web3 wallet connections
- web3
- crypto
- ethereum
- web3modal
- metamask
- walletconnect
- squarelink
- portis
- fortmatic
- arkane
- torus
- authereum
- walletlink
- web3modal-ts