Search results
41 packages found
<p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a>
small, simple & speedy state management
A tiny JavaScript framework that wraps around your code
A progressive ChatGPT feishu bot, made to assist my girlfriend's work.
speedy.db Test Database
Shipped a standard `npm publish` workflow with one click.
accelerated (multiple connections) http download stream
multithreaded utility functions for node using worker threads
Shipped a standard `npm publish` workflow with one click.
Shipped a standard `npm publish` workflow with one click.
Shipped a standard `npm publish` workflow with one click.
Premade HTML templates for kickstarting a new web application. Uses `encode-html-template-tag` under the hood.
Shipped a standard `npm publish` workflow with one click.
An out-of-box config loader with TypeScript support.
Shipped a standard `npm publish` workflow with one click.
Lynx.js is a lightweight ⚖️, and speedy ⚡️ Node.js library for building webservers 🌐. Using it, you easily use the built in modules of Node.js to its full potential 💫. Create APIs, build middleware, serve files, and more with Lynx.js.
command-line http download client, accelerated with fast-download
Monorepo development & continuous integration tooling.
ESLint config for speedy stack.