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32 packages found
Escape RegExp special characters
Escape RegExp special characters
CommonJS version of escape-string-regexp 5.0.0. See
Escape a given map of special characters
Replace special characters to their simple characters
Replace special characters to normalized letters
Escape RegExp special characters
Escape SQL special characters and quotes in strings
Convert weird chars to normal
Powerful string matching insensitive to diacritics, special characters, symbols and case
Clean special characters
Escape RegExp special characters. This is a fork of sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp, but with CommonJS support.
> This package is use for React formate utils for TitleCase Formate, India Rupee Price Formate, Comma Formate, Ordinal/Order, Prevent Negative Number, Prevent Special Characters, Sort List
Special RegExp characters, useful for escaping.
Escape umlauts and other special characters in a string. Converts them into HTML entities. Useful when searching for a string in HTML content.
Remove unwanted characters from string.
Check inside your files for suspicious unicode characters in code (like greek question mark…)
Remove and replace special characters in this automatic string converter!
- strings
- string
- converter
- special
- characters
- character
- remover
- toaster
- toasters
- toasterjs
- toastersjs
- specialcharacters
- specialcharacter
- convert
A really simple library to escape/unescape pesky HTML entities like ♦ or ♦ to 💎
SPARQL escape string in regex