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106 packages found
JavaScript client SDK for bidirectional communication with Centrifugo and Centrifuge-based server from browser, NodeJS and React Native
STOMP client for Javascript and Typescript
Nodefony Framework Core
- nodefony
- node-js
- javascript
- framework
- mvc-framework
- redis
- eleasticsearch
- http2
- pm2
- sequelize
- mongoose
- webpack
- sockjs
- twig
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Primus is a simple abstraction around real-time frameworks. It allows you to easily switch between different frameworks without any code changes.
- abstraction
- browserchannel
- framework
- comet
- streaming
- pubsub
- pub
- sub
- ajax
- xhr
- polling
- http
- faye
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The Appwrite event restreamer
RxJS STOMP client for Javascript and Typescript
Centrifuge javascript client
Simple rooms wrapper for Primus
React websocket component with STOMP over SockJS
Simple multiplexing for Primus
Simple emitter wrapper for Primus
STOMP client for Javascript and Typescript
Primus.IO makes working with Primus a little slicker.
- connection
- ws
- rooms
- channels
- realtime
- real time
- websocket
- plugin
- sockjs
- browserchannel
- primus
Simple multiplexing for Primus
Primus is a simple abstraction around real-time frameworks. It allows you to easily switch between different frameworks without any code changes.
- abstraction
- browserchannel
- framework
- comet
- streaming
- pubsub
- pub
- sub
- ajax
- xhr
- polling
- http
- faye
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SockJS-client for node (Fork)
Define resources with auto-binded methods that can be called remotely on top of Primus.
SockJS-client for node
STOMP client for Javascript and Typescript
Locomotive handlers for Primus WebSockets abstraction layer