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Use sin(), cos(), tan(), acos(), atan(), and atan2() to compute trigonometric relationships
Compute the sine of a number.
Compute the sine of a double-precision floating-point number on [-π/4, π/4].
Compute sin(πx).
Input a number and a range (min-max), get the number's position along the range eased by a sine curve
Evaluate the tangent of a number.
Computes the sine of a number.
- compute-io
- compute
- computation
- math-io
- math
- mathematics
- math.sin
- sin
- sine
- trig
- trigonometry
- radians
Animated API math extension - implements sine, cosine, tangent as AnimatedNodes
Computes sin(πx).
- compute-io
- compute
- computation
- math-io
- math
- mathematics
- math.sin
- sin
- sine
- pi
- trig
- trigonometry
Simultaneously compute the sine and cosine of a number.
Compute the hyperbolic sine of a double-precision floating-point number.
Compute the inverse coversed sine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- acoversin
- acoversine
- arccoversin
- arccoversine
- coversed sine
- versed sine
- acoversinus
- arcvers
- covers
- cover
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Compute the normalized cardinal sine of a number.
Compute the half-value coversed cosine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- hacovercos
- hacovercosin
- hacovercosine
- versed cosine
- half-value
- coversed
- cosinus versus
- hacovercosinus
- hcc
- versed
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Compute the inverse versed sine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- aversin
- aversine
- arcversin
- arcversine
- versed sine
- aversinus
- arcvers
- avers
- aver
- arc
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Compute the inverse half-value versed sine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- ahaversin
- ahaversine
- arcversin
- arcversine
- versed sine
- ahaversinus
- haversine
- haversin
- archav
- invhav
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Compute the half-value versed sine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- haversin
- haversine
- versed sine
- haversed sine
- haversed
- hv
- hvs
- sem
- havers
- semiversinus
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Compute the coversed cosine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- covercos
- covercosin
- covercosine
- versed cosine
- coversed
- cosinus versus
- covercosinus
- cvc
- versed
- cosine
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Compute the half-value coversed sine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- hacoversin
- hacoversine
- versed sine
- half-value
- coversed
- sinus versus
- hacoversinus
- hcv
- hacov
- semicoversin
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Compute the coversed sine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- coversin
- coversine
- versed sine
- coversed
- cosinus versus
- coversinus
- covers
- cosiv
- cvs
- versed
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