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This package provides a set of directives, decorators, mixins, and validators to simplify the creation of dynamic forms in Angular applications. It offers features such as automatic control creation, data source integration, component customization, and h
This package provides a set of Angular directives, components, and services to enhance and customize Angular Material tables. It includes features such as row selection, column filtering, expandable rows, table actions, and more. The goal is to simplify c
This library provides a set of Angular components and services for creating consistent and configurable application layouts, including headers, footers, side navigation, and content areas. It offers features such as dynamic navigation, external applicatio
This package provides tools for working with OpenAPI specifications in Angular applications. It includes services for configuring and loading OpenAPI definitions, validating requests and responses against schemas, and handling errors. It also offers utili
This package provides Angular components and services to display changelogs within an application. It fetches changelog data from a remote source and presents it in a user-friendly dialog or component, allowing users to view updates and changes. The packa
Provides directives and a module to enhance Angular Material forms. It includes features such as displaying control errors, clearing input fields, handling required fields, and managing form field visibility based on defined conditions. The package also o
A Material Design upload button component for Angular that supports file selection, display, and download. It integrates with Angular Forms and provides visual feedback. It also includes a pipe to read files as data URLs.
This package provides a comprehensive error handling solution for Angular applications, including interceptors, services, and UI components to display different types of errors in a user-friendly dialog. It supports handling of generic errors, HTTP errors
Provides components and directives to integrate a table selection window into Angular Material forms. It includes features for data binding, filtering, and display customization, making it easier to select data from a table within a form context. This pac
This package provides a set of Angular directives, components, and services to enhance data tables with features like row expansion, full-text search, and row selection with checkboxes. It includes modules for easy integration of these features into exist
Provides Angular services and data sources for managing user settings such as dark mode, language, and theme preferences. It uses Rxap data sources and Open API remote methods to interact with a user settings API. The package also includes components and
This package provides a tree component and data source for Angular applications. It includes features such as searching, filtering, and displaying hierarchical data. The package also offers directives for customizing the content of tree nodes.
Provides a data grid component for Angular applications. It supports plain and form modes, custom header and cell templates, and integration with Rxap Forms and Data Sources. The component allows for displaying and editing data in a tabular format with fe
This package provides an Angular theme service that allows you to manage and customize the look and feel of your application. It includes features such as dark mode support, theme density control, typography settings, and color palette management. The ser
Provides a directive and service to open a table select component in a window. This package allows users to select rows from a table within a window and return the selected data. It integrates with `@rxap/material-table-system` and `@rxap/window-system` f
Provides directives and services to simplify opening forms in windows within an Angular application. It includes features for submitting forms, managing window footers, and opening forms using methods. This package integrates with @rxap/forms and @rxap/wi
This package provides Angular components and services to check and display the status of various services. It includes a status indicator component, a status check component, a service to retrieve status information, and a guard to protect routes based on
This package provides internationalization (i18n) support for Angular applications, including services for language management, an HTTP interceptor for setting the `Accept-Language` header, and a language selector component. It allows you to set and manag
Provides components and services to simplify internationalization (i18n) in Angular Material applications. It offers components for language selection and utilities to localize Material components like Datepicker, Paginator and Stepper. This package aims