Search results
18 packages found
The Salesforce CLI version manager.
The Territory Management Toolkit (TM-Tools) is a Salesforce CLI Plugin that provides tools for simplifying the migration of a Salesforce org from Territory Management (TM1) to Enterprise Territory Management (TM2).
Validation classes and functions. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- validator
Specialized Error structures and functionality for Salesforce CLI plugins. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- error
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
Common collection of useful Salesforce-related types. Used by modules in the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- typescript-types
Debugging and logging services for Salesforce CLI plugins. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- debug
- logging
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
Collection of standardized mechanisms to track status/results and display this information coherently to the user. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- status
- status-tracking
- user-feedback
Collection of abstract classes that can be extended to build Task and Questions-related Builders. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- builder
- inquirer
- listr
- questions
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- task
Utility classes and functions that make life easier for developers building Salesforce CLI plugins. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- utility
Provides a standardized means of user interaction via the console. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- inquirer
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- user-interaction
Specialized abstraction of a single Listr Task. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- listr
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- task
Generates a detailed abstraction of the local SFDX Environment, making it easier to consume SFDX resources in your own code. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- git-environment
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- sfdx-environment
Helps developers quickly build complex Inquirer-based interviews. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- interview
- inquirer
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- user-interaction
Contains SFDX-Falcon flavored extensions to @sfdx/command. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforce-command
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-command
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- yeoman
Collection of functions for building pre-defined SFDX-Falcon Tasks, Questions, and Task Bundles. Allows developers to quickly build common Task and Interview-driven workflows in their CLI plugins. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- inquirer
- listr
- questions
- question-library
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- tasks
- task-library
Execution container for a bundle of SFDX-Falcon Tasks that allows the developer to specify pre and post-task messaging as well as GeneratorStatus messages for both task execution success and failure. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
Extends Yeoman's Generator class, adding customized support for SFDX-Falcon specific tools and capabilities. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- generator
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- yeoman
- yeoman-generator
Provides a framework for creating classes that implement task-specific functionality. Part of the SFDX-Falcon Library.
- salesforce
- salesforce-cli
- salesforce-cli-plugin
- salesforcedx
- sfdx-falcon
- sfdx-falcon-library
- sfdx-plugin
- worker