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30 packages found
Learning node js expresss and mongo
Beautiful, easy to use and interactive svg map component of Rwanda for React
- interactive-maps
- react-maps
- react
- svg-maps
- maps
- react-components
- rwanda-map
- rwanda
- rwanda-react-component
- rwanda-svg
- rwanda-react-map
This package provides you access to provinces, districts, sectors, villages and cells found in Rwanda
This is a simple test package
Angular schematics lib for abstracting Pesapal APIs
Get current date or format other dates to Kinyarwanda (rw).
NPM package for getting Rwanda holidays for a given year or determine if current date is a holiday
This is a simple package that converts numbers in kinyarwanda (Rwandan native language)
A fast minimal package to validate Rwandan National Ids and Phone Numbers(all carriers) using Regular Expressions.
Angular wrapper for Equity's Jenga API. Still in progress
Find places by their code, province, district, sector, village or cell name from Rwanda
this is a simple npm package that offers a related collection of rwandan locations (provinces, districts, sectors, cells, and villages).
- rwanda
- demographics
- rwanda provinces
- rwanda districts
- rwanda sectors
- rwanda cells
- rwanda villages
- Rwanda
- relational
- rwanda relational
A fast language detection package for Kinyarwanda(Native language of Rwandans)
Get a list of licensed banks from Rwanda and their corresponding information (swift code, contact info, ussd code and bank code).
A library that helps to make basic calculations
publishing module
publishing module
Learning to publish custom package