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6000 packages found
A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
- answer
- answers
- ask
- base
- cli
- command
- command-line
- confirm
- enquirer
- generate
- generator
- hyper
- input
- inquire
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Mongoose MongoDB ODM
Rails-inspired generator system that provides scaffolding for your apps
Simple, scalable state management.
- mobx
- mobservable
- observable
- react-component
- react
- reactjs
- reactive
- model
- frp
- functional-reactive-programming
- state management
- data flow
A simple and powerful JavaScript animation library
A mature CSV toolset with simple api, full of options and tested against large datasets.
JavaScript 3D library
- three
- three.js
- javascript
- 3d
- virtual-reality
- augmented-reality
- webgl
- webgl2
- webaudio
- webgpu
- webxr
- canvas
- svg
- html5
Handles the lifecyle and bootstrapping of generators in a specific environment
Analyze the exported API for a TypeScript library and generate reviews, documentation, and .d.ts rollups
Use the :focus-visible pseudo-selector in CSS
GSAP is a framework-agnostic JavaScript animation library that turns developers into animation superheroes. Build high-performance animations that work in **every** major browser. Animate CSS, SVG, canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, strings, motion paths,
- GreenSock
- animation
- MotionPathPlugin
- motion
- motionPath
- matchMedia
- easing
- ScrollTrigger
- ScrollSmoother
- Observer
- JavaScript
- PixiPlugin
- CustomEase
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Slice GeoJSON data into vector tiles efficiently
CSV and object generation implementing the Node.js `stream.Readable` API
Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompt system. Fast and lightweight enough for small projects, powerful and extensible enough for the most advanced use cases.
- answer
- answers
- ask
- base
- cli
- command
- command-line
- confirm
- enquirer
- generator
- generate
- hyper
- input
- inquire
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Core Inquirer prompt API
- answer
- answers
- ask
- base
- cli
- command
- command-line
- confirm
- enquirer
- generate
- generator
- hyper
- input
- inquire
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Inquirer prompts, combined in a single package
- answer
- answers
- ask
- base
- cli
- command
- command-line
- confirm
- enquirer
- generate
- generator
- hyper
- input
- inquire
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Inquirer confirm prompt
- answer
- answers
- ask
- base
- cli
- command
- command-line
- confirm
- enquirer
- generate
- generator
- hyper
- input
- inquire
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a point geometry with transforms
A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
CLI tool for running Yeoman generators