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261 packages found
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Tool for transforming styles with JS plugins
Rework declaration visitor utility
A rework plugin to read and inline CSS files via @import
PreJSS Parser based on PostCSS and plugins
- css
- css-in-js
- prejss
- postcss
- postjss
- rework
- jss
- styled-components
- stylesheets
- jss-from-css
- jss-from-postcss
- scss
- sass
- less
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Get ES6 modules or JSON files from CSS/SCSS/LESS/other styles using PreJSS
Convert hex colors with alpha values into their RGBA equivalents for more browser support.
Convert rebeccapurple colour to backwards compatible version of the colour
W3C-style custom media queries for Rework
CSS spec style variables for Rework
calc() support for Rework
Implements Tab Atkins's proposed color function in CSS.
Implements the font-variant-* properties for browsers that don't yet support them.
A CSS preprocessor that acts like a polyfill for future versions of the spec.
- preprocessor
- pre-processor
- postprocessor
- post-processor
- rework
- css
- pure
- autoprefixer
- postcss
- sass
- less
- stylus
- style
- gradients
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Whitespace significant CSS to regular CSS
Add a class prefix to further sandbox CSS styling for third-party imports.
Add a class prefix to further sandbox CSS styling.
Import CSS from npm modules using rework
postcss plugin for exclude files from processing
Import statements for Rework.
A rework plugin to read and inline CSS files via @import