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25 packages found
PostCSS plugin to fallback initial keyword.
A reset view control for Leaflet
PostCSS plugin for partial styles reset
Manages Roqueform field initial value and dirty status.
True rules isolation through automatic properties reset.
True rules isolation through automatic properties reset.
PostCSS plugin for all: unset
The reset plugin for Mobi.css
Flip styles using rtl-css-js
A plugin for rolling back the history to that of the origin and discarding local changes.
A Vuex plugin that makes restoring initial state to the store simple
PostCSS plugin to fallback initial keyword.
Lightweight gulp plugin that adds !important to all you css rules.
logical property
Docpad plugin that supplies a REST API for interacting with Git
A redux plugin to reset the redux state you specify
Flip styles using rtl-css-js
PostCSS plugin for reseting all styles using !important, and making your own styles !important
DJsonLoader is a jquery add-on for loading data in JSON format into forms or other HTML tags, NOW SUPPORTS AJAX and customization.
Lightweight gulp plugin that adds * to all you css selectors.