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494 packages found
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A WDIO helper utility to provide a repl interface for WebdriverIO
Synchronous Readline for interactively running to have a conversation with the user via a console(TTY).
Extends repl.REPLServer to allow for a colorize function
Standard input/output manager for Node.js
a synchronous prompt for node.js
A simple fast template libray.
REPL for AdonisJS
Node's first framework for building immersive CLI apps.
Node's first framework for building immersive CLI apps.
Standalone util function from Node.js core to process await statements in REPL.
Experimental REPL for Bun
Promise infused REPL
TSUN: a repl for TypeScript Upgraded Node
Gatsby plugin to auto-generate links to popular REPLs like Babel and Codepen
File System autocompletion for Vorpal
- vorpal
- extension
- autocompletion
- autocomplete
- tab
- tabbed completion
- fs
- file system
- cli
- immersive
- repl
- vorpal.js
- linux
- unix
Bull / BullMQ queue command line REPL
Grep implementation for Vorpal.js
Less implementation for Vorpal.js
Make any Node.js REPL support promises (Promises/A+).