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34 packages found
An npm package for rendering ReactJS components in a cleaner and more beautiful way, allowing elements to be passed to the components from the hook’s props.
Allows comparing two state/prop trees for differences
Allows comparing two state/prop trees for differences
Throttle the number of rendering times.
A react render prop component for react that injects the window dimenions. Uses a single shared, debounced event listener across all instances in your application.
Turn observable props into a render function with values.
Fold multiple render prop components into a single component.
React decorators, magic.
Simple collection search for React based on the render prop pattern
A React component for inline editable state management
A set of tiny, composable React components for handling state with render props.
Easily compose render props in React and Preact.
React.render a stream of props to Component at element
hacky way to figure out what is passed to this.props.children in react
`react-scroll-activator` watches for a scroll event inside of a container or on the window. When certain user-defined rules are met, it passes an `activatedState` prop to a render prop component, triggering whatever behavior the developer chooses on the c
Unify state and props, decouple render() and update state synchronously
Simplify conditional usage of render props
Extends React's `Component` by passing `props`, `state`, and `context` to the `render` method of a class.
An angular one directive that renders a react component
A react component that handles conditional logic in a more elegant manner.
- react
- reactjs
- react-component
- conditional
- render
- render-component
- render-props
- condition
- if-else
- truthy
- falsy
- react-conditional
- react-conditional-rendering
- control-flow
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