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Redis key generator / function argument joiner
Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends
Generates CRC hashes for strings - for use by node redis clients to determine key slots.
Node.js rate limiter by key and protection from DDoS and Brute-Force attacks in process Memory, Redis, MongoDb, Memcached, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cluster or PM
- ratelimter
- authorization
- security
- rate
- limit
- bruteforce
- throttle
- redis
- mongodb
- dynamodb
- mysql
- postgres
- prisma
- koa
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This package provides support for the [RedisJSON]( module, which adds JSON as a native data type to Redis. It extends the [Node Redis client]( to include functions for each of the Redi
Redis commands
Redis commands
Redis storage adapter for Keyv
This package provides support for the [RediSearch]( module, which adds indexing and querying support for data stored in Redis Hashes or as JSON documents with the RedisJSON module. It extends the [Node Redis client](https://github.c
Javascript Redis protocol (RESP) parser
A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
Error classes used in node_redis
High-performance JSON serialization library
A modern, high performance Redis client
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `ioredis` database redis client for Redis
This package provides support for the [RedisTimeSeries]( module, which adds a time series data structure to Redis. It extends the [Node Redis client]( to include functions for each of the Redi
A skip list implementation inspired by the Sorted Set in Redis.
Example usage: ```javascript import { createClient, Graph } from 'redis';
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `redis` v4 database client for Redis
Cache Manager for Node.js
- cache
- caching
- cache manager
- node
- node.js
- in-memory cache
- redis
- memcached
- multi-store cache
- ttl
- caching layer
- cache abstraction
- cache middleware
- cache strategies