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41 packages found
Biblioteca React para pré renderzar páginas estáticas (snapshots), SEO e performace de buscas otimizados!
- react
- react-simple-snap
- simple-snap
- simple
- react-simple
- react 18
- react-static
- react-spa
- react-spa-prerender
- react-postbuild
- postbuild
- react-prerender
- react-static-pages
- react-snapshot
- View more
The React Framework for SSB, SSR and Serverless technologies
Documentation site for Victory by Formidable
Generate static files from React production using Gulp
Jam3 frontend static project scaffold generator based on nyg
Yet another static site generator in NodeJS focussed on being fast and simple. Mangony fulfills just one task: It takes templates (like handlebars or jsx) and compiles them to an output directory.
- generator
- Veams
- react
- react-static
- handlebars
- handlebars-layouts
- templates
- compiler
- compile
- render
- Mangony
- Grunt
- markdown pages
- static
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Simple and tiny Back To Top button with no dependencies. Hides when on top, scrolls up smoothly when clicked. Works equally great with Vue, React, Angular and without frameworks on Jekyll, Hugo and Hexo
Simple and tiny Back To Top button with no dependencies, for whole window or specific(s) div(s). Hides when on top, scrolls up smoothly when clicked. Works equally great with Vue, React, Angular and without frameworks on Jekyll, Hugo and Hexo
TDX and MDX-based documentation server
React Static Documentation
A react-static plugin for development environments triggering route rebuilds when files change
React library for prerendering static pages, optimize SEO and web performance
- react
- react-prerender
- react-snapshot
- react-static
- react-prebuild
- prebuild
- react static
- react static site generator
- ssg
- react-ssg
- prerender
- react-snap
- snapshot
A react-static plugin allowing you to add the GTM script tag to your page
Use React to generate your awesome static website
A react-static plugin that adds Content-Security-Policy meta tags to your site
## Easiest ReactJS Customizable UI/UX Component Library
Penguin Digital React boilerplate
A React-Static plugin that adds external path support for webpack imports
React library for prerendering static pages, optimize SEO and web performance
- react
- react-prerender
- react-snapshot
- react-static
- react-prebuild
- prebuild
- react static
- react static site generator
- ssg
- react-ssg
- prerender
- react-snap
- snapshot
A react-static plugin allowing you to add the GA script tag to your page