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Don't we all wish that React Navigation had awesome Overlays like React Native Navigation ? Now it does 💪
Drawer API built on top of wix react-native-navigation for iOS and Android.
🧭 Navigation library for React Native. Build once, navigate from anywhere to everywhere!
A performant customizable bottom sheet component made on top of wix react-native-navigation library.
Easier way to register RNN components.
A customizable SideNav component for React Native with TypeScript support
React Native Navigation Search Bar with Collapsible Header 🤔It's that simple!
react-native-navigation application (rnna)
Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
React Native Strong Template made with react-native-navigation, TypeScript and Redux
- react-native
- react-native-navigation
- typescript
- redux
- redux-toolkit
- uikit
- strong
- template
- boilerplate
- starter
- localization
- reanimated
- reanimatedv3
- starter-kit
Navigine SDK for react-native
A utility library for a easier use of react-native-navigation library.
Navigator (rnna)
React Native Wrapper for LocationPicker, a ready for use and fully customizable location picker.
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ios
- react-native-navigation
- react-native-controllers
- controller
- input
- map
- location
- picker
- location-picker
Appearance Module built on top of wix/react-native-navigation
cli-rn - CLI aiming to make React Native Apps developing experience as smooth as possible. Not a replacer for react-native cli but a good addition!
A simple cli to scaffold your react-native-navigation-v2 with redux
HackerHaze React Native Template made with react-native-navigation, TypeScript, Redux and more.
- react-native
- react-native-navigation
- typescript
- redux
- redux-rematch
- hackerhaze
- template
- boilerplate
- starter
- localization
- reanimated
- starter-kit
- react-native
- navigation
- lib
- ios
- android
- react-native-navigation
- react-native-navigation-cus
- react-native-component
- react-component
- tab
- swipe
- scrollable
- coverflow
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Predictable Navigation for React Native.