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146 packages found
Tonight Pass delicious React styled-components UI kit
- react
- reactjs
- react-native
- ui
- ui-design
- styled-components
- kit
- uikit
- ui-components
- kitchn
- tonightpass
- kitchn-components
- nextjs
- gatsbyjs
Parse your text and split it into multiple components with custom styles
A fully customizable QR Code generator for React Native based on react-native-svg and javascript-qrcode.
- react-native
- qrcode
- svg
- react-native-qrcode-svg
- react-native-qrcode
- qrcode-styled
- qr-generator
- rn-qr-generator
Native UI Development Kit for React Native
- react-native
- react-component
- react native
- react-native-ui-devkit
- react native ui devkit
- react-native interface
- react-native components
- react-native component
- react-native uikit
- react-native toolkit
- react-native toolset
- react-native theme
- react-native themed
- react-native styled
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Styled components for css in react native
Develop different styled versions of UI components.
React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript, React Navigation, styled-components, async-storage, dotenv, axios, fastlane, prettier, eslint, jest, react native testing library
- expo
- template
- expo-template
- react-native
- react-native-template
- styled-components
- typescript
- react-navigation
- dotenv
- axios
- services
- deploy
- fastlane
- prettier
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Um projeto baseado inicialmente no template `typescript` que temos para react native, porém, com algumas configurações extra que na grande maioria das vezes fará sentido serem configuradas. Aqui, já teremos tudo pronto.
React Native primitives in styled version
- react-native
- tailwindcss
- tailwind-ui
- react-native-web
- react-native-tailwindcss
- react-native-tailwind-components
- universal-apps
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Template de react native com styled-components e react-navigation já configurados
- react-native
- typescript
- jest
- template
- boilerplate
- styled-components
- react-navigation
- responsive mobile
- mobile
- responsive
Styled components for css in react native
Stitches for React Native, for Vitality Design System
- android
- ios
- react
- react-native
- native
- component
- components
- create
- css
- css-in-js
- javascript
- js
- object
- object-oriented
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Introducing 'Original Style,' a powerful React Native UI library designed to bring simplicity and flexibility to your mobile app development. Inspired by the elegance of Tailwind CSS, 'Original Style' offers a unique approach to styling React Native compo
The modern CSS-in-JS library for React Native
A styled components to react native
A Datepicker you can style as you wish
Stitches for React Native, Maki Internal
- android
- ios
- react
- react-native
- native
- component
- components
- create
- css
- css-in-js
- javascript
- js
- object
- object-oriented
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Um projeto baseado inicialmente no template `typescript` que temos para react native, porém, com algumas configurações extra que na grande maioria das vezes fará sentido serem configuradas. Aqui, já teremos tudo pronto.
An extremely lightweight styling solution for React Native inspired by styled-components