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6000 packages found
An enterprise-class UI design language and React components implementation
Material Design icons distributed as SVG React components.
Fast 3kb React-compatible Virtual DOM library.
Responsive and accessible React UI components built with React and Emotion
The community edition of the Date and Time Picker components (MUI X).
The Sanity UI components.
React Bootstrap components
The Community plan edition of the Data Grid components (MUI X).
Base UI is a library of headless ('unstyled') React components and low-level hooks. You gain complete control over your app's CSS and accessibility features.
PrimeReact is an open source UI library for React featuring a rich set of 90+ components, a theme designer, various theme alternatives such as Material, Bootstrap, Tailwind, premium templates and professional support. In addition, it integrates with Prime
- primereact
- react
- hooks
- next
- nextjs
- ui-kit
- ui library
- component library
- material
- material design
- bootstrap
- tailwind theme
- dark theme
- react components
React components library focused on usability, accessibility and developer experience
The community edition of the Tree View components (MUI X).
A configurable component library for web built on React.
Material-UI SvgIcon components for Material Design Icons.
Chakra UI layout components that give you massive speed
Utilities for creating robust overlay components
The community edition of the Charts components (MUI X).
UI Components Library for React.js
- react
- react-component
- react component
- react bootstrap
- bootstrap react
- ui library
- ui components
- component library
- components
Common transition components for Chakra UI
Theme and components agnostic ChakraProvider