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1016 packages found
React Virtual List Component
Standalone version of the AutoSizer component from react-virtualized
Make a list of draggable collapsible items.
Swipeable list component for React
- react
- swipe
- swipeable
- list
- component
- customizable
- mobile
- ios
- android
- touchscreen
- listview
- swipe-to-delete
- swipe-actions
Yamada UI list component
React Virtual List Component
React component to render collection of items separated by space or another separator
List component
- list
- react-list
- design
- uiw
- uiw-react
- react.js
- react
- react-component
- component
- components
- ui
- css
- uikit
- react-ui
- View more
Drag and drop lists.
Universal Editable List React Component
React Virtual List Component
A zero-config, fast and small (~3kB) virtual list (and grid) component for React, Vue, Solid and Svelte.
A Material UI based Transfer List supporting drag and drop
Swipeable list component for React (Rework)
- react
- swipe
- swipeable
- list
- component
- customizable
- mobile
- ios
- android
- touchscreen
- listview
- swipe-to-delete
- swipe-actions
react-super-responsive-table converts your table data to a user-friendly list in mobile view.
A simple UI framework friendly reorderable list component for React.
A tiny but mighty list virtualization component, with zero dependencies 💪
FileList ui component for react
Swipeable list component for React
- react
- swipe
- swipeable
- list
- component
- customizable
- mobile
- ios
- android
- touchscreen
- listview
- swipe-to-delete
- swipe-actions
A list component for React that combines vertical virtualized scrolling with CSS snap logic, allowing the 'active' element to snap to the center of the visible area.