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568 packages found
Detects if node is currently running on a Raspberry Pi.
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
- allwinner
- bananapi
- banana pi
- bcm2835
- gpio
- gpiomem
- i2c
- mmap
- orangepi
- orange pi
- pi
- pwm
- raspberry
- raspberrypi
- View more
Homebridge plugin for Raspberry Pi
I2C Driver for the BME280 humidity, pressure and temperature sensor
MCP3002/4/8, MCP3202/4/8 and MCP3304 SPI analog to digital conversion
NodeJS Promise-based port adaptation of C/C++ Adafruit_SSD1306 from Github for SSD1309
NodeJS Promise-based port of C/C++ Adafruit_SSD1306 from Github
Small library to get a Raspberry's Serial number without dependencies
Control i2c lcd screens with a Raspberry Pi using the i2c-bus module
Detect Raspberry Pi model
NodeJS Promise-based port of C/C++ Adafruit-GFX-Library from Github
GPIO access with Node.js
I2C access with Node.js
Module in nodejs to configure Wifi connections on Raspberry Pi (managed by nmcli)
Module in nodejs to configure Wifi connections on Raspberry Pi (managed by wpa_cli from wpa_supplicant)
Reliable monitoring of rotary encoders from a raspberry pi
A basic MongoDB binary (7.0.11) for Raspberry PI 4, made for MongoDB Memory Server
GPIO access and interrupt detection with Node.js
Node JS package for the BMM150 magnetometer unit using I2C
Control your sense hat led matrix with node, using it for AGL demo