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187 packages found
Transform into a string with random capitalization applied
Function to randomize an array
Generate randomized strings of a specified length using simple character sequences. The original generate-password.
- alpha
- alpha-numeric
- alphanumeric
- characters
- chars
- generate
- generate-password
- numeric
- password
- rand
- random
- randomatic
- randomize
- randomized
The Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) shuffle for Node.js, with seeding support
Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
- alea
- arr
- array
- bates
- d3-random
- distribution
- el
- element
- exponential
- fisher
- gaussian
- generate
- generate-random-numbers
- generator
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Type-safe utilities to return a random element from an array or random entry from an object
A library to generate pseudo-random values.
Get a random value from an object
Get a random key from an object
This package is designed to help with various applications of randomness in JavaScript.
A library that allows you to randomize everything.
Material color palettes. Random colors and palettes. Random colors and palettes by name or any string.
This is going to provide the random meaningful string using animal names followed by adjective followed by numbers. Additional to that, you can generate random shortId using custom options
- meaningful-string
- randomstring
- random-string
- random
- alphanumeric
- randomize
- generate-password
- meaningful
- string
- rand
- crypto
- username
- unique
- token-generator
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The virtual numeric keypad that can be used on Vue.
A package that helps you with everything related to randomness
"randomrange(a, b, stringa, where) is a JavaScript function that generates a random number within a specified range (a, b) and combines it with a custom string or random alphabets. Easily create unique identifiers or tokens with options to place the strin
- Random
- Number
- Generator
- Range
- Selection
- String
- Concatenation
- Unique
- Identifiers
- Custom
- Tokens
- Alphabets
- and
- Numbers
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Transform into a string with random capitalization applied
Return a natural number.
A MapLibre GL plugin to randomize overlapping markers on the map.
A JavaScript package to generate random colors and numbers.
- random
- colors
- numbers
- randomize
- js-random
- color-generator
- number-generator
- random-tools
- utility
- javascript-library
- randomizer
- random-utils
- color-palette
- number-magic