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24 packages found
Random Meme Generator (Returns the URL of a random meme image (made for a discord bot))
Prints a random number between one and ten
A cute emoticon and emoji keyboard which can generate random emoticon and no xss
Get a random imgur image url, by default a puppy.
Another good meme generator
### A small async wrapper to get reddit memes ``(post with images)`` from the best Reddits memes, this project is actively used as API by [HUGE]( in [HugeMemesAPI](
Very very dank memes
A very easy to use package which gives you random things.
Get a random image form a given reddit
Cosas Random es una npm para obtener varias funciones randoms y alguna que otra no, son 6 funciones utiles
- Cosas Randoms
- Random
- Chistes
- Jokes
- Memes
- Random Meme
- Numeros
- Progress bar
- Characters
- Contador de caracteres
- Utiles
- Funciones Utiles
A very easy to use package which gives you things.
A package/module that contains a collection of Indonesian quotes and Indonesian memes.
Youtube Notifier Added!!! Project Applîcation Only!!!
A very easy to use package which gives you things.
a package that lets you search a specific subreddit
NoobingAPI sizin yazacağınız her kodda işinizi kolaylaştırmak için yapılmış. Çok farklı konularda fonksiyonlar içeren bir npm'dir.
- api
- noobing
- noobingapi
- noobing.js
- .js
- screenshot
- websitescreenshot
- timedForEach
- discord.js
- emoji
- parseEmoji
- yt info
- yt
- info
- View more
DiamondBot command that posts memes from reddit
Random Image & Others For Discord
DiamondBot command that posts AI generated inspirational quote from inspirobot
A very easy to use package which gives you things.