Search results
77 packages found
use querySelector syntax to search for nodes inside of (nested) shadow roots
- webcomponents
- puppeteer
- playwright
- automation
- queryselector
- shadowdom
- web-components
- testing
- webdriver
- protractor
- selenium
- webdriverio
- codeceptjs
Shadow DOM-piercing querySelector/querySelectorAll implementation
A very small JavaScript <template> manipulation library.
easily create and retrieve DOM elements with CSS like syntax
Detect the appearance of an element in the browser DOM
Modern JavaScript is pretty good, but typing document.querySelector() is a pain. This is a tiny library that makes DOM manipulation easy. jQuery is around 80kb (30kb gzipped), while this is only around 8kb (3.5kb gzipped). Lots of JSDoc comments so it's s
- jquery
- javascript
- typescript
- JSDoc
- Dom Manipulation
- Easy
- Small
- Tiny
- Modern
- ES6
- Lightweight
- Light
- prototype
- View more
React Element Selector Query (resq) - Query React components and children by selector (component name)
Based on @xmldom/xmldom with some minor enhancements. Add querySelector, querySelectorAll and match method to Document and Element.
🪄 A TypeScript-types patch for querySelector/querySelectorAll, make them return types you expect them to! 🔮
- query
- query-selector
- querySelector
- query-selector-all
- querySelectorAll
- js
- javascript
- types
- patch
- html
- dom
- document
- igorskyflyer
- igor.dvlpr
Extra lightweight DOM selector helper
- jquery
- jquery-like
- jquery-alternative
- jquery-replacement
- javascript
- utility
- hyperscript
- dom
- dom-manipulation
- lob
- locality-of-behavior
- htmx
- selector
- queryselectorall
A library of selectors for CSS elements on social media sites.
a *very* slim package for basic DOM operations - few bytes
jessquery's scrawny little brother.
- jquery
- javascript
- typescript
- JSDoc
- Dom Manipulation
- Easy
- Small
- Tiny
- Modern
- ES6
- Lightweight
- Light
- prototype
- View more
use querySelector syntax to search for nodes inside of (nested) shadow roots
- webcomponents
- automation
- queryselector
- ponyfill
- shadowdom
- web-components
- testing
- webdriver
- protractor
- selenium
- webdriverio
- codeceptjs
querySelector(All) for the composed DOM tree
Based on @xmldom/xmldom with some minor enhancements. Add querySelector, querySelectorAll and match method to Document and Element.
Query PostCSS AST with CSS selectors.
Modern DOM query selectors helpers written in es2015
update html elements by mapping query selectors to attributes, text, and hypertext