Search results
166 packages found
The fastest way to read **AND WRITE** from query search params in [sveltekit](
- sveltekit
- svelte
- reactive
- search-params
- search params
- search-parameters
- search parameters
- query
- query parameters
- query-parameters
- query params
- query-params
Convenient state management of query parameters in Next.js apps.
Zero dependencies Query Builder for Cloudflare Workers
- cloudflare
- worker
- workers
- serverless
- cloudflare d1
- d1sql
- sql builder
- query builder
- cloudflare sql
- workers sql
- cf
- optional
- middleware
- query
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queryzz - a lightweight JS library for manipulating URL query parameters. Get, set, and format queries easily.
Convert query string parameters into mongo query filter and options.
Strongly typed, routing-library agnostic react hook to use and manipulate query params
A small library that builds a URL given its components
A package to query status of hyperlane messages with user-provided parameters
Generate a URL for opening a new GitHub release with prefilled tag, body, and other fields
React Hook for managing state in URL query parameters with easy serialization.
Utility functions for handling query parameters in Urls
- url
- qs
- querystring
- queryparams
- searchparams
- queryupdate
- urlupdate
- urlextract
- query
- parser
- encode
- decode
- param
- string
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Dynamic handler for location / history updates. Inspired by python's args & kwargs system. Includes search query and hash subpath handling. React capable.
- path
- url
- history
- pushState
- popState
- replaceState
- navigation
- location
- link
- href
- spa
- single page application
- arguments
- parameters
(simple!) React hook to synchronize Next.useRouter() Query with React.useState()
A react library for easily managing typed url query parameters.
A library for simplifying encoding and decoding URL query parameters.
- [@taktikorg/cumque-beatae-officiis](#arondilbestring-parameters-parser) - [About the package](#about-the-package) - [How to use the parser](#how-to-use-the-parser) - [Example](#example)
- shebang
- getintrinsic
- shrinkwrap
- dom
- text
- file system
- http
- hookform
- pyyaml
- StyleSheet
- up
- collection.es6
- Array.prototype.flatMap
- module
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This JavaScript code defines a function addQueryToUrl that adds query parameters to a given URL. It handles strings, numbers, booleans, dates, and arrays of these types, while ignoring functions and invalid types. The function also ensures that the final
Reactive Url Builder Vue Composable
- vue
- compositionapi
- hooks
- url
- urlbuilder
- vueuse
- vuehook
- vue-compositionapi
- vuejs
- reactive-url
- reactive
- buildurl
- urlgenerator
- query
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Strongly-typed way to manage URL parameters in react-router
A utility package for managing URL parameters and hash segments.