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15 packages found
实时获取所有 A 股现在 + 过去的行情数据,可基于它来做量化交易的行情服务,也可以用来实时选股
Image Quantization Library in **TypeScript** *(MIT Licensed)*
- image
- palette
- quantization
- quantizer
- color
- neuquant
- rgbquant
- xiaolin wu
- cie94 distance
- ciede2000
- dithering
- floyd-steinberg
A versatile Node.js package for efficient color quantization, and palette building.
Incrementally partition data into `k` clusters.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- stdml
- ml
- machine
- learning
- mathematics
- math
- statistics
- stats
- data mining
- quantization
- lloyds algorithm
- euclidean
- View more
An implementation of Ant-Tree Color Quantization
Color extraction library. In TypeScript/JavaScript. For browser/server.
实时获取所有 A 股现在 + 过去的行情数据,可基于它来做量化交易的行情服务,也可以用来实时选股
JavaScript port of the NeuQuant image quantization algorithm
Use a combination of color quantization algorithms and human fiddling to get human perceivable colors out of an image.
获取所有 A 股实时 + 历史行情
Bin data into given number of chunks and pick a representative value for each bin.
log/linear quantization
JS 版 TA-Lib,类似通达信函数的股票计算工具
an implementation of the median cut quantization algorithm
an implementation of the kmeans quantization algorithm