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A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.

published version 0.30.1, 8 months ago14267 dependents licensed under $MIT

A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.

published version 0.28.1, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium

published version 1.1.0, a year ago116 dependents licensed under $MIT

Device information and digital fingerprinting written in pure JavaScript.

published version 0.2.1, 3 years ago132 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium

published version 1.0.7, 3 years ago44 dependents licensed under $MIT

A pure Javascript ZooKeeper client for Node.js.

published version 1.1.3, 3 years ago283 dependents licensed under $MIT

A tiny, super fast, namespace aware sax-style XML parser written in plain JavaScript

published version 10.0.0, a year ago12 dependents licensed under $MIT

The Vanilla Calendar Pro is a versatile JavaScript date and time picker component with TypeScript support, making it compatible with any JavaScript frameworks and libraries. It is designed to be lightweight, easy to use, and feature-rich, without relying

published version 3.0.3, 2 months ago3 dependents licensed under $MIT

Fast minimalistic pure indentation of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

published version 0.3.5, 5 years ago8 dependents licensed under $MIT

Simple, small and fast vanilla JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 <input type="range"> slider element

published version 0.4.11, 5 years ago5 dependents

Check if a value is a plain object

published version 4.1.0, 3 years ago1635 dependents licensed under $MIT

Functionally - A utility belt for functional JavaScript

published version 0.6.2, 10 years ago8 dependents licensed under $MIT

Vanilla Calendar is a versatile JavaScript date and time picker with TypeScript support, making it compatible with any JavaScript framework or library. It is designed to be lightweight, simple to use, and feature-rich without relying on external dependenc

published version 2.11.9, 6 months ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Pure random number generator written in TypeScript

published version 6.1.0, a year ago196 dependents licensed under $MIT

Utilities to get and check variable types (isString, isPlainObject, isRegExp, etc)

published version 9.3.0, a year ago35 dependents licensed under $Artistic-2.0

pure javascript xml parser

published version 0.3.2, 7 years ago7 dependents

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published version 1.0.0, 5 years ago36 dependents

Lightweight pure JavaScript image crop

published version 1.7.0, 8 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Clojure core functions in javascript land, provides a collection of functions inspired by the clojure.core library, reimagined to work with JavaScript arrays and objects. It aims to bring simple, functional programming concepts from Clojure into the JavaS

published version 2.0.10, 2 months ago0 dependents licensed under $GPL-3.0

Dedicated types library for ramda

published version 0.30.1, 7 months ago2 dependents licensed under $MIT