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117 packages found
Generate a cryptographically strong random string
Jscrambler API client.
A complete implementation of the UniFi Protect API.
- camera
- doorbell
- ubiquiti
- unifi
- unifi protect
- motion
- motion sensor
- protect
- security
- uck
- uck g2
- uck g2+
- uck gen2
- uck gen2+
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Homebridge UniFi Protect plugin providing complete HomeKit integration for the UniFi Protect ecosystem with full support for most features including autoconfiguration, motion detection, multiple controllers, and realtime updates.
- homebridge
- homebridge-plugin
- homebridge-unifi-protect
- homekit
- homekit secure video
- hksv
- camera
- doorbell
- ubiquiti
- unifi
- unifi protect
- motion
- motion sensor
- protect
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Unifi Protect Adapter based on the unifi-protect library from hjdhjd
Jscrambler JavaScript protection for Ember-CLI
Generates specified length of strings / digits for password | Otp | unique identification purposes
The Adobe PDF Services Node.js SDK provides APIs for creating, combining, exporting and manipulating PDFs.
A webpack plugin to protect your generated bundle using Jscrambler
Obfuscate your source files using the Jscrambler API.
A complete implementation of the UniFi Protect API for Node.js v16. A fork of
- camera
- doorbell
- ubiquiti
- unifi
- unifi protect
- motion
- motion sensor
- protect
- security
- uck
- uck g2
- uck g2+
- uck gen2
- uck gen2+
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CommonJS version of crypto-random-string 4.0.0. See
Obfuscate your source files using the Jscrambler API.
API Key Generation, Validation, and Rate Limiting for SvelteKit
- svelte
- sveltekit
- api
- rest
- keys
- hash
- security
- permissions
- generation
- validation
- rate-limit
- token-bucket
- redis
- firestore
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A plugin to use metro with Jscrambler
A log/text sanitizer and masker
A tool to solve log4js log synchronization in pm2 multithreading.
express-jwt-authenticator is a powerful and secure Node.js authentication package that simplifies the implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) based authentication in your applications. It provides a robust and flexible solution for user registration, login
A VitePress plugin to protect content from copying and inspect
GraphQL monitoring library
- auth
- authorization
- authentication
- ciphyr
- cybersecurity
- graphql
- insure
- protect
- query
- querysanitization
- security
- safety
- safer
- safest
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